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Stream 1, Session 4: Approvals


Session details


Welcome address
Dr Gerald Lip, Clinical Director, north East of Scotland Breast Screening Programme, UK


Ensuring clinical safety in AI in the NHS
Mr. Kevin Percival, Chief Nursing information Officer and Accredited Clinical Safety Officer, Ashford and St. Peter's Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK

This session will examine the building blocks to ensuring that Clinical Safety is maintained when using Artificial Intelligence to deliver clinical practice. It will specifically look at how clinical safety programme can facilitate moving from pilot to full deployment of the solutions. This will be achieved through real world examples of the governance that has been used in an NHS Trust to enable deployment and usage of AI Technologies.


Safe Deployment of Medical Imaging AI

Professor Ben Glocker, Professor in Machine Learning for Imaging, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, UK


Challenges in the creation of diagnostic artificial intelligence for skin disease
Professor Colin Fleming, Consultant Dermatologists, Research Lead NHS Scotland AI skin consortium, Director Tayside MedTech Ecosystem (TIME), NHS Tayside/University of Dundee, UK

An outline of the current state of AI for skin disease, highlighting problems unique to skin disease, and common to all AI tools.


Panel Discussion chaired by Dr Gerald Lip, featuring Mr Kevin Percival and Professor Colin Fleming


Session ends


Programme subject to change


To discover more about our speakers participating at our AI Global Conference click here




Mr Kevin Percival

Chief Nursing information Officer and Accredited Clinical Safety Officer
Ashford and St. Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK
Mr Kevin Percival
  • Mr Kevin Percival

    Read more - Stream 1, Session 4: Ensuring clinical safety in AI in NHS

    Kevin Percival is the Chief Nursing information Officer at Ashford and St. Peters Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust which is a multi-site Acute, Elective and Community Rehab Provider of general and specialist services just outside of London.

    Kevin provides leadership for digital transformation across the trust; prior to joining Ashford and St. Peters Kevin was the Chief Nursing Information Officer at Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust where he had a strong track record for consistent delivery of large transformational changes across Health and Social Care that achieves the quadruple aim of improving Quality, Safety, Efficiency and Experience for staff and patients.

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Dr Gerald Lip

Clinical Director
North East of Scotland, Breast Screening Programme, UK
Dr Gerald Lip
  • Dr Gerald Lip

    Dr Gerald Lip is the Clinical Director of Breast Screening in the North East of Scotland and the Lead of the Gemini study supported by the NHS Health and Social Care Award investigating the prospective use of AI in mammography.

    He has published multiple papers, articles and chapters particularly on AI and has spoken at a range of medical and technology related conferences ranging from RSNA in Chicago to Cog X in London along with organising medical conferences such as the BIR AI annual congress for the past 5 years. He has been awarded a funded two-year Innovation Fellowship by the Chief Scientists of Scotland from 2023-2025.

    He is the vice chair of the British Society of Breast Radiology, sits on the Royal College of Radiology Informatics committee, on the Advisory Board of the Centre for Doctoral Training for Biomedical AI in Edinburgh University, the British Institute of Radiology AI special interest group and is a scientific advised to the National Covid Chest Imaging Database.

    A graduate of Trinity College Medicine, along with his medical degree he also qualified with an Msc. in Health Informatics and completed his radiology training in Aberdeen where is also an honorary senior clinical lecturer in the University of Aberdeen.

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Professor Colin Fleming

Consultant Dermatologist
British Association of Dermatology, UK
Professor Colin Fleming
  • Professor Colin Fleming

    Read more - Stream 1, Session 4: To be announced

    Read more - Stream 2, Session 5: Who will bring this together?

    Colin Fleming is a Consultant Dermatologist, Mohs’ Surgeon, Honorary Professor of Dermatology and is based at Ninewells Hospital and Medical School, Dundee. He has been a Consultant in Dundee since 1999 and has set up multiple services for skin cancer patients, including the NOSCAN Macmillan Mohs service.

    He leads a triple helix research team developing novel approaches to diagnostic skin AI. He is NHS Tayside Director of Innovation, Co-director of the Tayside Innovation MedTech Ecosystem (TIME) and research lead of the NHS Scotland AI skin cancer consortium.

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Professor Ben Glocker

Professor in Machine Learning for Imaging
Department of Computing, Imperial College London, UK
Professor Ben Glocker
  • Professor Ben Glocker

    Ben Glocker is Professor in Machine Learning for Imaging and Kheiron Medical Technologies / RAEng Research Chair in Safe Deployment of Medical Imaging AI. He is also the Knowledge Transfer Lead of CHAI – The EPSRC Causality in Healthcare AI Hub. His research is at the intersection of medical imaging and artificial intelligence aiming to build safe and ethical computational tools for improving image-based detection and diagnosis of disease.

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